Miles Oldenburg

Wilmington, NC


I'm an engineer at Cisco Systems, working on network security.

I'm interested in distributed systems, security, and analytics.

Cisco Logo.



Duke University
M.S. in Electrical & Computer Engineering, December 2015

My field of study was in distributed systems and wireless sensor networks. I have taken classes in the following subjects:

  • Information Theory: channel coding, optimization
  • Probability and Statistics: performance, reliability, availability, queuing, stochastic modeling
  • Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
  • Network Architecture
  • Optimal Environmental Sensing
  • Computer Vision: Image and Video Processing
  • Distributed Systems
  • Robotic Perception, Planning, and Control
  • Parallel Computing
  • Network Security

MATLAB, C, Python, C++, Java, Node.js

Duke University Logo.
The Ohio State University
B.S. in Computer & Information Science, July 2012

My concentration was in information systems. To complete the concentration I took classes in database systems, software requirements specification, object oriented analysis, accounting, business operations, supply chain management, and statistics. I have taken classes in the following subjects:

  • Systems Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Graphics
  • Computer Architecture
  • Algorithms

Java, C, C++

The Ohio State University Logo.


Cisco Systems, Inc.
July 2012 - Present

I work on a network security cloud product that analyzes customer network data to provide insights into security vulnerabilities. This work spans different domains from virtual appliances, web applications, and analytics. Previously I worked in global operations designing applications that provide operations visibility and metrics.


  • Built virtual appliance provisioning and delivery service
  • Responsible for design and development of web and mobile applications for operations
  • Manage global vendor teams for product development and support
  • Design automated front and back-end build, test, and deployment processes
  • Created application to analyze and forecast reporting structures and provide personnel metrics to assist executives making organizational decisions
  • Created JavaScript library for collecting user feedback on services
  • Maintain an internal Bootstrap fork with custom components that adhered to company UI requirements used by many teams
  • Created application to gather and display usage metrics about other applications to assist in resource assignment and retirement of the applications
  • Mentor interns and new hires and manage intern projects

AWS, CSS, Docker, Gherkin, HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Kubernetes, MySQL, NGINX, Oracle, Python, RAML, Scala, Version Control, Continuous Integration, Apache Cordova/PhoneGap

Cisco Systems, Inc. Logo.
The Ohio State University
Systems Engineer
2007 - 2009

I worked for the college of Arts and Sciences designing and maintaining web sites and applications for departments, centers, and faculty.


  • Created error reporting and SQL injection reporting system
  • Created applications for departmental events, directories, news, scheduling, and course listings
  • Created a custom lightweight ColdFusion MVC framework for internal applications
  • Created accessible web sites for impaired users and sites that adhere to government and validation standards

ColdFusion, MSSQL, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

The Ohio State University Logo.


  • Professional Scrum Master I,, 2012
  • ITIL IT Service Management, PEOPLECERT, 2013
  • Security Green Belt, Cisco Systems, Inc., 2017

Formal Training

  • Big Data: Hadoop, Cloudera, 2013
  • M101J: MongoDB for Java Developers, 10gen, 2013
  • ITIL Foundations, Pink Elephant, 2013
  • Building Hybrid Apps With PhoneGap, Jonathan Stark, 2013
  • Scrum Boot Camp, Construx, 2012
  • Advanced Javascript, Marakana, 2012
  • Introductory and Advanced ColdFusion Training, Webucator, 2008


Goldberg Center, The Department of History, The Ohio State University
2009 - 2012

I designed, developed, and maintained new and existing Web sites and dynamic Web applications. In addition to programming, I assisted faculty and graduate students with instructional media.


  • Created an Android application available on the Android Marketplace for accessing the Origins Magazine
  • Created a multi-media archival site
  • Created a site for distributing instructional materials for teachers
  • Created The Humanities Atlas, a visual aggregator that identifies and maps news and activities in the humanities across the country
  • Created software that parses text documents and creates images that show parts of speech as blocks of color
  • Acted as Interim Web Developer while the full time position was being filled

ColdFusion, MSSQL, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Android, Java, SVN

Foreign Language Center, College of Arts and Sciences, The Ohio State University
2011 - 2012


  • Created an application to provide online foreign language testing to incoming students
  • Created an application to provide an online interactive book to assist students in learning Japanese
  • Designed posters and fliers for various events

ColdFusion, MSSQL, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Ohio Learning Network, State of Ohio
2010 - 2011

I designed and implemented new and existing web based projects.


  • Redesigned and refactored the OhioLearns! Catalog according to state government standards
  • Designed the policy regarding Subversion and how it should be used for the technology group
  • Designed prototypes for the USO Student Portal outlined in the Strategic Plan for Higher Education, exposing the technology group to Drupal

PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Contact Me

Get in touch with me using with one of the following.